Monday, June 21, 2010

Situs Informasi Internet

Situs Informasi Internet

Watch and Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 166 Online

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 07:57 AM PDT

Title: Nine-Tails, Captured!

Watch Online Naruto Shippuden Episode 166

Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 166:

Naruto Shippuden Episode 166 English Subbed will be
online Thursday 24 June (4:00AM Pacific Standard US Time zone)

ICT Learning is always first so check asap for update!!!

Download Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 for Free

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 07:44 AM PDT

kms 9 free Download Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 for Freefor Mobile phone users that use the Symbian operating system (9.1 above) or Windows Mobile (5.0 above), during this 2010 World Cup underway, can get free Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 with serial code. Not only secure from virus/network, but also the protection of privacy, maintaining file access, and various other security features.

As a software or security applications for mobile phones (smart phones), Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 has features such as:

  • Privacy Protection, to control the number or contact privacy in mobile phones. Show or hide the phonebook entries, sms and calls list (logs)
  • Find the location of smartphone when it was stolen/lost, using the GPS feature and the Find function, which was stolen smartphone can be known location.
  • Securing contacts, photos and files from access that are not in want. Data can be encrypted and the block or deleted when the smartphone is lost/stolen.
  • Block SMS or unwanted calls
  • Parental Control, parents can prevent/block certain sms or call and also keeps track of its existence with a GPS Find.
  • Protection from malware (viruses) and network attacks.

The above features are interesting, one of them when the mobile phone is stolen, then only by sending a specific SMS, mobile phone we will be automatically locked and its contents will not be accessible, can even automatically ordered to erase their data. Find features include GPS that can display the position where the mobile phone.

kaspersky mobile security Download Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 for Free

Another feature is SIM watch, for example when the thief change your SIM card mobile phone, the SIM Watch will automatically block phone and send email to the owner new number is entered.

But once again that Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 can not be run on all Mobile phones, just a mobile phone (smartphone) that use the Symbian operating system 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 Series 60 (Nokia smartphones) or Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.5. If you want to check, please see Mobile Downloads

Download and Installation

If your mobile phone operating system supports this software, to perform the installation can use one of the following ways:

  • Scan the QR Code below using mobile phones to download Kaspersky Mobile Security 9. If you have Nokia, to install and tutorial mobile barcode reader click here. For other phones just ask to 
    qr code kms Download Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 for Free
  • Open the website address via smartphone
  • Download the application via PC/computer through a link

After the application is downloaded and installed, use this registration code to activate BFK48-UJ3TR-AFKN3-RP5PU ( Kaspersky world cup )

Differentiation, CD/DVD -R +R RW

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 11:59 PM PDT

cd dvd logo Differentiation, CD/DVD  R +R RWIf we ever buy a CD/DVD blank (empty) or ever save data (burning) to CD/DVDs, we sometimes see there are several types of CD/DVDs that are different, such as CD/DVD -R + R or RW. What is mean minus and plus signs and the differences of each type of these pieces? Then where should type when we want to use it?

Before discussing about the types of DVDs or CDs, however, here are some common terms related to this case that we should understand it well.

  • Burning, namely the process of storing data to media/disk copies. Called the burning, because we burn (write bits of data) layer in the disk with laser light.
  • Session, a period of time when something happens, here is the files were added on the disk in a single operation.
  • Single Session, All files on the disk is added in a single operation.
  • Multi-Session, several Session on the disk.

In addition there is the term ROM (such as CD-ROM), which stands for Read Only Memory, meaning that the information stored on the disk can only be read only.

What is the difference -R +R dan RW ?

As in almost all CD/DVD writer can write and read all kinds of DVD formats. It is characterized by the existence DVD±RW logos. So if there is the logo, should have no problem when we select the type -R or +R. Regarding the explanation of this mark as follows:


  • R : The 'R' it self stands for Recordable. Hence a disk without the R cannot be recorded onto.
  • -R : The Minus marked media (it being a CD or DVD) is a Single Session Media.  Meaning that you cannot add more data to the disk once the burning has locked it (even if there is room for more). Some systems are able to do a mulitsession on the -R disks (like DVD Recorders) but not all systems are designed to read these extra sessions. Usually only the first (or none) will be readable on other media players.
  • + R : The Plus marked media is intended for multi-sessions. Meaning that you can add data to the disk in Sessions. You don't have to fill it up all at once but can use it as a backup media to add files over a period of time. Each Session can be Added to an existing session or be created as a separate one. As an added bonus you can tell a session to "delete" an excisting file. Delete in the sense that a code is inserted telling the media player to disregard it.
  • RW : Means, ReWriteable. Basically the burnable layer inside the disk is made of a material that can be erased and overwritten. There are limitations as to how many times it will work and still be readable. The RW disks have more or less been replaced by the USB Flash Chips – which of course are much more versatile.

Also DVD+R has several advantages, such as more accurate at higher speeds than DVD-R, then also a better error management, and the results of burning (storage) data have smaller levels of damage.

dvd+r Differentiation, CD/DVD  R +R RWSee the difference above, then DVD+R has advantages over DVD-R, so the price is usually more expensive and has several advantages. But since the first DVD-R is present (5 years) than the DVD+R, then this format is frequently used sometimes (more support of the old media player). (ICT Learning)

AV-Comparatives Antivirus Test Results – Best Antivirus in 2010

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 08:44 AM PDT

av comparatives logo1 AV Comparatives Antivirus Test Results   Best Antivirus in 2010Completing the best antivirus test 2010 in early year yesterday, the AV-comparatives is now back out latest antivirus test results. If previously is an on demand test (test with a sample of the virus that have circulated previously), this second test is called Proactive/retrospective test (unknown viruses).

How antivirus test results of this second phase? Do you have any antivirus options satisfactory results?

Proactive test here is a test against a previously unknown viruses by antivirus. Samples of viruses used are malware that circulated between 11 until February 18, 2010, while the antivirus is updated in the last test date of February 10, 2010.

Seeing the last time updates and the virus samples used, the virus is not in database [signature] antivirus. So the antivirus must use more advanced technology outside the virus database, such as heuristic technique.

Antivirus are in Test

As before, the number and versions of antivirus software that is tested by the antivirus is still the same. There are 20 products that tested antivirus. Although today most already have the new version, but at least this test can give you antivirus capabilities. 20 Antivirus in the test are:

Testing Method

As before, in almost all antivirus testing in the setting at the highest level of security, except AVG, AVIRA, F-Secure and Sophos (more can see the previous antivirus test results, February 2010). The number of malware (worms, backdoors, trojans and viruses) as much as 27 271. Then this second test only detects malware without running it.

Moreover, in this test antivirus feature such as Cloud technologies is not enabled, including how often to update or antivirus update speed, because it is outside this discussion.

Antivirus Test Results

For details on how the number and percentage of detection of each virus, please download the PDF report from AV-comparatives site directly. Summary comparison of detection is as follows:

av comparatives june AV Comparatives Antivirus Test Results   Best Antivirus in 2010

Seen that the highest antivirus capability is only about 60%. This is reasonable, because it’s a virus or malware which the test is a new kind and not in the list of every antivirus database. The top 5 positions occupied by TrustPort, Panda, G Data, Kaspersky and Microsoft Security Essentials, then followed by Avira, ESET, F-Secure, Bit Defender, K7 and eScan.

av comparatives june 2010 2 AV Comparatives Antivirus Test Results   Best Antivirus in 2010


In giving the award, in addition based on the results above detection capabilities, av-comparatives also use antivirus detection error results from previous tests (February 2010). Based on these two things, av-comparatives provide the level of award as follows:

best antivirus test 2010 AV Comparatives Antivirus Test Results   Best Antivirus in 2010


Like the previous test, the holder of the highest value is still held by the G-Data, TrustPort and Kaspersky. All three are a paid product (there is no version of free version), followed by Avira, F-Secure and ESET NOD32. If we are capable to use a free antivirus, based on previous test results above and AVIRA and Avast still the best option.

Then if we use Original Windows, then use the Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE), which also can be downloaded and used free of charge. After I try it, use Avira and MSE in one computer is good enough and so far no problems. (ICT Learning)

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