Friday, May 21, 2010

Situs Informasi Internet

Situs Informasi Internet

Reference Books to Learn Linux (Beginner to Advanced)

Posted: 21 May 2010 07:35 AM PDT

linux penguin Reference Books to Learn Linux (Beginner to Advanced)If you are not familiar with the operating system developed by Linus Torvald, a young man who is now known as the Linux OS, and want to try begin to learn you can find it.

In addition to a beginner, you can get free electronic books/ebook Linux also for the intermediate and advanced. There are 5 books that become a good reference to learn Linux started from the basics of installing, running a simple command, the commands to operate the network, mount disk, the basics of networking in Linux, the protocols up to an advanced command line is complex. Even further you can learn a scripting language that’s fun run with a C program to use regular expressions.

Here is a reference to start learning Linux I can give as a reference to start up an advanced level.

  1. Newbie's Getting Started Guide to Linux teach you how to install Liniux into your computer, followed by the use of basic desktop GUI to command line. Well suited for the newbie in accordance with the title.
  2. Download Introduction to Linux – A Hands on Guide teach the basics well, whether from networking, file management and use text editors to lay a lot on Linux.
  3. GNU/Linux Command line tools Summary, command line is the incredible power that became the backbone of the GUI environment, a few even many things that are not found in GUI be ordered with only one line command line only, and Linux which UNIX based still put command line as the main strength, so you must master it.
  4. Download Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition disclose more advanced functions, use of shell scripting is quite complicated, a regular expression that can be frustrating as well as some parts of the use of networking.

Learn Easy Math Online: Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry

Posted: 21 May 2010 01:46 AM PDT

After school you feel tired and stressed because of a lot of homework given? One of the specter of junior high school and high school students are learning math. If a little thing we did not followed the exact lesson, then onwards we will be left behind.

Mathematics itself also has some parts of the lesson. Memorize the basic math course, already outside the brain.

Calculate, divide, multiplication, subtraction is the basic part of mathematics is to be mastered and you must have already mastered. But what if the math lessons material is already stepping on algebra lessons? Hmm.. may still be easier yes. But what if it goes already requires us to master the calculus? May be balding head.

If you want to quickly finish some maths cases such as Algebra, Calculus and Trigonometry and basic math, MathWay is an online site that can help calculate formulas Algebra, Calculus and Trigonometry is easy, fast and online.

Simply enter the calculation statement, then Mathway will work to help you calculate. The calculation result Mathway certainly accurate and can not be wrong. The wrong that maybe we just entered the wrong numbers or statement.

mathway Learn Easy Math Online: Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry

For example, we want to calculate 1+2, we can provide a statement “1 Add 2″ or “1+2″. So Mathway will issue our output can already guess. Well, do you think the site could be used as sites Mathway online learning mathematics is good? Or even make you become dependent because they are more so lazy thinking?

Please make your decision.

Where Website That Free Teaching PHP Programming?

Posted: 21 May 2010 01:38 AM PDT

phpnet Where Website That Free Teaching PHP Programming?You want to seriously pursue web programming to build a sophisticated website but not in HTML mode? Want to find the portable programming language, robust, easy to learn and object oriented but within the scope of programming, web based?

Php is the answer I most recommend. Currently, almost nothing Linux hosting that does not provide Php programming language is installed in it.

Perl has been missed. Python stuck and was arrested by php. ASP and ASP.NET hosting more often struggled in Windows. JSP is too exclusive traits and greater investment in security, although more of everything than the others, but the average in the JSP hosting is very expensive rates. Well, now have a clear picture is not about comparing languages, web based server script above? PHP is the answer. You must be master of PHP to be able to compete today in the Internet world. Average CMS and blog platforms to use php as their strengths.

Now, the question is, where websites that teach free php programming? Where a site that provides language-learning tutorial guides php? Anywhere website that can provide the basics of php from basic to advanced programming is free? Actually, we could easily find on google or in the bing teaches an online place where the php website by typing the keyword “free php programming” or “free tutorials php programming.” But allow me to serve you better. I will give you a reference number from the list of basic php tutorial site to intermediate and even advanced.

1. Php.Net

This tutorial site is complete and become the main reference for beginners in learning php, php basic techniques, the introduction of syntax, types, variable constant, the control structure to function and security in php.

You can be taught step by step in there with very well.

phpnetmanual Where Website That Free Teaching PHP Programming?

2. w3schools

This Php tutorial site is a standardized learning HTML, XML, PHP and even ASP. The explanation is very easily digested and comes with simple application examples. Great tutorial and you’ll quickly understand studying there.

w3schoolsphp Where Website That Free Teaching PHP Programming?

3. Learn Programming in PHP Online

Not as complete as what is provided by and W3Schools, but on this site we can guide learn to prevent SQL Injection and email applications.

learnphponline Where Website That Free Teaching PHP Programming?

4. PHPBuddy

in PHPBuddy we get study guide and tutorials handle the php sessions, encrypting and securing php code.

phpbuddy1 Where Website That Free Teaching PHP Programming?


Well, here is more cool again, we can give examples of calling SQL syntax, making calendars, timers, and other unique examples with php language.

Watch and Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 161 Online

Posted: 20 May 2010 10:40 PM PDT

Title: Given Name, Konohamaru!

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