Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Situs Informasi Internet

Situs Informasi Internet

Twitter In The Funny Parade Version – IsParade.Jp

Posted: 19 May 2010 10:16 AM PDT

twitter parade Twitter In The Funny Parade Version   IsParade.Jp

Tweeting becomes tedious when view your twitter include your Twitter profile in a funny format. IsParade.Jp will conjure each tweet profile to be equipped with an animated cartoon characters such as people who are more equipped with a parade and marching band music.

Twitter Parade :

Images of each person affixed with a tiny body that was created by the developer, and all the people who are tweeting, the result will be a bubble adorn their current profile. Just type your username in the search queries, then people will decorate your screen parades. With Twitter view this funny version of the parade, you must be happy tweeting. Please watch the youtube below:

Support for Windows XP SP2 over soon

Posted: 19 May 2010 09:53 AM PDT

xp sp2 logo Support for Windows XP SP2 over soonFor those of you who use Windows XP Home/Professional Service Pack 2 (SP2) probably should immediately prepare to install SP3. Maybe some already know, that soon, Microsoft will end support for Windows XP SP2. More precisely, this support will expire on July 13, 2010.

Previously, Service Pack 1 and 1a had ended last October 10, 2006. What is Service Pack and what effect, if the support for windows it’s over?

What is Service Pack?

Service Pack is a collection or updates, fixes or additional features for a software/program is distributed in the form of an installation package. Because it is a collection of various improvements, is usually quite large in size.

Windows XP (32 bit), until today has reached stage Service Pack 3 (SP3), which previously had no SP1 and SP2. Most contain fixes vulnerabilities that arise or errors, although to SP2 also included many additional features to Windows XP.

Windows XP SP3 300x187 Support for Windows XP SP2 over soon

For Windows XP SP1, Microsoft has ended its support since October 10, 2006, and soon Windows XP SP2 will also expire. According to Microsoft, Windows XP SP2 will expire on July 13, 2010. While support for SP3 is still in up to 08 April 2014.

What impact if the Service Pack End?

If you are using Windows XP SP2 and the support has ended, then we will not accept anymore updates or fixes from Microsoft. Or in other words, Microsoft does not provide updates and fixes again, after that date, although Windows still will be used as usual.

But in the absence of support, could result in potentially fatal to the security of our computer, especially when the computer is connected to Internet. As the operating system most widely used, windows XP many targets (of attacks). The longer, more dangerous security hole is found, so could be fatal such as computer controlled from somewhere else, easily attacked by viruses, worms, trojans and other.

With the Service Pack, vulnerability is usually addressed immediately or at least the danger that could cause further reduced.

What Solution?

If you’re still using Windows XP, then the alternative is to immediately install Service Pack 3, because the support is continuing until the year 2014. If the computer is only used at home and not used for online (Internet connection), then the installation of SP3 is not a pressing need. If we want to install SP3, windows should have at least SP1 installed.

windows xp sp3 computer Support for Windows XP SP2 over soon

Download Service Pack 3 can be obtained directly from the Microsoft site (download SP3) or from other addresses such as Softpedia. The size is fairly large, about 316 MB. Previously SP3 also provided some local computer magazine.

Know the folder RECYCLER, Recycled and recycle bin

Posted: 19 May 2010 03:08 AM PDT

recycle bin icon1 Know the folder RECYCLER, Recycled and recycle binWhen we so often opened windows explorer, and arrangements for hidden folders appear, we may often see a folder named RECYCLER or Recycled. Maybe some never knew that the Recycle Bin, but what exactly is the function of this folder and if harmful to a computer?

Here’s a more complete review of the folders, and its relationship to the Recycle Bin.

What is RECYCLER atau Recycled folder?

When we delete a file through Windows Explorer with the Delete button, the file is not actually fully deleted, but the files are only moved in a certain place, namely in Recycle Bin. The goal is that when we do not accidentally delete or wrong, we can still restore it again.

When the Recycle Bin is full, then the old file will actually be removed, so the remaining space to place new files. So that could hardly be restored again except by special software.

In order to increase the speed, the Recycle bin can create folders on each drive. And the Recycle Bin in the desktop display is a compilation from the recycle bin in each drive. If format the file drive system is NTFS, then the recycle bin folder called RECYCLER, and if the drive is formatted FAT32, then called Recycled, sometimes also the name of the Recycle bin. (For Windows Vista or Windows 7 with a $RECYCLE.BIN)

folder RECYCLER Know the folder RECYCLER, Recycled and recycle bin

So RECYCLER or Recycled is recycle bin folder (to place the files have been deleted). RECYCLER or Recyclerd folder has hidden attributes. So if the settings in folder options are not displayed, it will not be visible.

RECYCLER folder contents

When we opened the RECYCLER folder, sometimes there are one or more folders with long names and strange. For example S-1-5-21-220523388-1220945662-725345543-2011. what exactly is this folder?

folder user recycle bin Know the folder RECYCLER, Recycled and recycle bin

As we all know, Windows XP supports that many users (multi user). We can make more than one user (account). To protect your account data with one another, so every new account is also created different recycle bin. So that when the recycle bin when deleted by a user, other users’ recycle bin will not be affected and could in return (restore).

So strange in RECYCLER folder is a special folder for users that are running on the computer. If the user has administrator privileges, they can see other users’ recycle bin contents, including removing them.

Delete Recycle Bin Contents

Existing data in the recycle bin will remain there and meet the disk space if not removed. If these data had been long enough, then there is good content regularly deleted the recycle bin.

To remove the Recycle Bin, can be done by right clicking the recycle bin icon on desktop and choose Empty Recycle Bin, or it can also directly open RECYCLER or Recycled folder and delete the folders or files therein.

If you want to delete the Recycler folder can also be done by typing the DOS command (command prompt) as follows:

rd /s \Recycler

Then select Y if it will delete or N if you wish to cancel.

empty recycle bin cmd Know the folder RECYCLER, Recycled and recycle bin

The command will delete all Recycle bin contents, including the RECYCLER or Recycled folder. Windows will automatically create a folder RECYCLER again if we delete a file.

Recycle Bin Settings

Recycle Bin can be set by right-clicking the Recycle Bin folder on the desktop or in folders in RECYCLER own.

recycle bin properties 235x300 Know the folder RECYCLER, Recycled and recycle bin

Recycle Bin can set whether each set their own drive, the recycle bin is enabled, displays the delete information and how space is provided for the recycle bin.

Recycler Virus

Sometimes there are viruses, worms and similar applications that use a pseudonym and an icon like the recycle bin. For example virus Recycled.exe or RECYCLER.exe, which is usually hidden exe extension. So when users run the Recycler is, in fact he is running a virus.

recycler type folder Know the folder RECYCLER, Recycled and recycle bin

To avoid these errors, check that by doing right click and select Properties. If the Folder Type show, we can directly open the folder. But if Type = Application or the other, it must be vigilant, because it is usually a virus or applications that equate the Recycle Bin.

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