Thursday, May 13, 2010

Situs Informasi Internet

Situs Informasi Internet

Readbud – Read & Rate Articles Get Dolar $$$ to Earn Money

Posted: 13 May 2010 11:29 AM PDT

readbud - get paid to read and rate articlesRead, then rate an article to get paid. Relevant articles are delivered to you,
Earn cash via PayPal.

This program is different from PTC because readbud does not use counter time tools. The important when the article opened, and you give rating, that’s enough. So, in a minute, I can open up articles 50-10 of the article. It does not read? Yes read was, but I use flash technique read..he..he..

The pay is great, between $0.03 to $1 per read the article . Nice Opportunity for you make money online.

Ok, see following steps:

  1. Open
  2. Fill the existing registration form on the right page and click Join Now button
  3. Check email and activation of registration by clicking on the activation link in that email
  4. Click menu “Interests” and select a maximum of 50 items that you are interest (eg: online business, article marketing, etc.). Tips: select around health, finance, business, online business, travel, computer and internet
  5. Click “Submit Changes

How get commission on every day:

  1. Login to member area
  2. Click menu “Articles
  3. Will appear 1 title of the article and the amount paid (eg $0.03-$1)
  4. Click “Open Article” it will open a new window containing the article
  5. See the article and click the star under the heading “Rate This Article” at the bottom to get commission
  6. Close the window and start again click the next article the same way
  7. Perform this step repeatedly to collect as many commissions.

How to take commissions:

  • You can withdraw your commission to your paypal account if already collected $50 min.
  • To withdraw, click menu “Account” select “Redeem” and then enter your paypal email address in the fields provided.

Add Songs To iPhone & iPod without iTunes

Posted: 13 May 2010 10:13 AM PDT

ipod touch Add Songs To iPhone & iPod without iTunes

Now you no longer need to require iTunes to add songs to iPod and iPhone. CopyTrans Manager application will be helpful to add songs to iPod and iPhone directly, create a playlist of songs, summarized the songs into playlists and also with a very elegant appearance. Use CopyTrans Manager also secured easily and all the managing songs can be done instantly. Now, if interested in this software, download here

How To Display The Song Lyrics in Windows Media Player & Winamp With Lyrics Plugin

Posted: 13 May 2010 09:32 AM PDT

If usually when you play songs in Winamp or Windows Media Player, which comes just a dizzying graphics (visualisation/AVS) animated eyes that repeatedly appear with the image rotating swivel and movement etc., now with a plugin installed into the Winamp or Windows Media Player so that on your monitor can display the line mp3 song being played so that you can learn to sing at the same time.

Plugin to show this song text called Lyrics Plugin is already compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

When there are no lyrics text that appears, we can insert/edit it manually. This plugin is very suitable for users who enjoy listening to songs while learning to sing songs from Windows Media Player and WinAmp.

Lyrics Plugin for Winamp

winamp 300x171 How To Display The Song Lyrics in Windows Media Player & Winamp With Lyrics Plugin

Lyrics Plugin for Windows Media Player

mediaplayer 300x213 How To Display The Song Lyrics in Windows Media Player & Winamp With Lyrics Plugin

Please download Lyrics Plugin so that we know how to display song lyrics in Windows Media Player and WinAmp.

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