Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Situs Informasi Internet

Situs Informasi Internet

How to Delete Ringtones on BlackBerry Device

Posted: 11 May 2010 12:38 PM PDT

BlackBerry Tips: How to Delete Ringtones on BlackBerry Device

You can't delete pre-installed ringtones on your BlackBerry Device, you can only delete downloaded ringtones.

Follow the steps to remove downloaded ringtones:

From your BlackBerry Handheld Home screen, press the Menu key
> then go to Media
> select ringtones
> select all ringtones
> then select the ringtone you want to delete
> press the Menu key
> select Delete. now you have delete ringtones on your BlackBerry Device

Blackberry Theme’s Collection – 8900/9630/9700

Posted: 11 May 2010 12:34 PM PDT

Blackberry 8900/9630/9700 Themes

(Paul Frank)

(Paul Smith)



(Split O)

(U Hide)



(FileBerry (Premium)




(Red Velvet)



(Section 8 Original)

(Section 8 All Black)

(Section 8 Today)

(Section 8 Today Stock)




(Light Shelft)

(Mickey (Premium)



(Blue Circle)


(Iphone Black)



(Stick R Bot)

(DashBoard One)



(iDream Of OS6 (Premium)

Blackberry Avatar Alphabet Message I Love YOU

Posted: 11 May 2010 12:24 PM PDT

Avatar Alphabet Blackberry 200x300 Blackberry Avatar Alphabet Message I Love YOU

New "I LOVE YOU" Alphabet Avatar
For your BlackBerry Messenger Profile or Messages

«• A •»


«• B •»


«• C •»


«• D •»


«• E •»


«• F •»


«• G •»


«• H •»


«• I •»


«• J •»


«• K •»


«• L •»


«• M •»


«• N •»


«• O •»


«• P •»


«• Q •»


«• R •»


«• S •»


«• T •»


«• U •»


«• V •»


«• W •»


«• X •»


«• Y •»


«• Z •»


BlackBerry Tips: How to eMail Videos on BlackBerry Device

Posted: 11 May 2010 12:14 PM PDT

When you have recorded a video on your BlackBerry Device, you can send it by Email, MMS or BBMessenger contact.

But sometimes videos won't be sent if they are longer than 30 seconds. The phone should have software built in that lets you edit down the video to an acceptable length, so it can be sent.

Now you can follow the steps to sent videos by email on your BlackBerry Device :

After you have record the video, go to menu

  • media >
  • videos >
  • highlight the video >
  • press menu and select send as email >
  • it will ask to using which option, MMS, Email, BBMessenger contact, choose the prefered option and then send.

How to Cancel Paypal Subscription and Paypal Billing Agreement

Posted: 11 May 2010 11:38 AM PDT

What is the difference between Billing Agreement and Subscription that? I myself do not know exactly what’s the difference, but the function is same. Billing Agreement and Subscription in Paypal is used to make payments automatically and periodically. Our money on paypal automatically debited when the payment is due.

This can be beneficial, but more ridiculous.
His favor, we do not have to bother with payment renew manually.

What ridiculous? Our money automatically is reduced, whereas we may not need more goods/services. Especially for a buy hosting/domain in Godaddy and Yahoo, or subscription in Freshdrop.

Maybe we want to pay manually with a specific promo code, so it can lower prices, or do not want to renew again for one thing. If your paypal debited automatically, then the prevailing price is the normal price. Loss isn’t it?

Therefore, Billing Agreement and Paypal Subscription is necessary canceled to things that are not desired as above does not occur.

Canceling a subscription cancels all future scheduled payments of that subscription. A subscription can be canceled up to the day of the next scheduled payment.

How to Cancel Paypal Billing Agreements:
Log in to PayPal Account.

  1. Click My Account tab.
  2. Click subtab History.
  3. Click More filters, Select Subscriptions and agreements, and click Billing Agreement.
  4. Select previous years to see the entire Subscription list. Then click Show.
  5. Click Details at one of Billing Agreement list.
  6. Click View Billing Agreement Details
  7. There is menu Active and Cancel. Click Cancel Billing Agreement.

Because we can only cancel one by one, repeat and do for all the existing Billing Agreement.

How to Cancel Paypal Subscriptions:

  1. Click My Account tab.
  2. Click subtab History.
  3. Click More filters, Select Subscriptions and agreements, and click Subscriptions .
  4. Change the date of the choice so many years ago to view the subscription list of what we’ve created. Then click Show.
  5. Click Details at one of Subscription list.
  6. Click View Billing Agreement Details
  7. There is menu Active and Cancel. Click Cancel the Subscription.

Because we can only cancel one by one, repeat and do for all the existing Billing Agreement.

Same as the Billing Agreement, do one by one to cancel all existing Paypal Subscription.

To detaily, see the following picture:

cancel paypal subscription How to Cancel Paypal Subscription and Paypal Billing Agreement

Picture of Layout menu Billing Agreements and Subscriptions.

How to Create PayPal Subscription Link

Posted: 11 May 2010 09:25 AM PDT

paypal logo How to Create PayPal Subscription LinkThere just advertiser who wanted to buy ad space in one of my blog, but he asked for a link subscription to my PayPal.

For example: You can set up a subscription for $xx.xx per month to your account and You will get payment through that – it’s so much easier that way, because you’ll receive automatic payments each month.

PayPal Subscription is essentially an automatic payment from someone Paypal account to your Paypal account. So you will always get payment ON TIME as schedule of a transaction.

After searching in google it was also a way, and it was not difficult because there is a site that already provides a form for generating the PayPal subscription link.

Screenshot :

Paypal Subscriptions Link How to Create PayPal Subscription Link

Simply go to their site. Make Paypal Subscription here..

Who is Unique Google Logos Creator

Posted: 11 May 2010 01:49 AM PDT

Google is one of the largest Search Engines and most popular after Yahoo!. Google is not just innovations that many new technologies developed, but the about the logo they have more interesting, such as New Year celebrations, Olympics yesterday, or other celebrations.

Then the question is, who is behind the creation of Google logos?

Dennis Hwang (Hwang Jeong-Mok) is a designer. Dennis is a Korean-American citizens, born in Knoxville, Tenesse and in his hometown in Korea (Gwacheon) he grew up.

Dennis Hwang Hwang Jeong mok Who is Unique Google Logos Creator

Dennis is Doodle painter who was always drawing logos displayed on Google’s usual big day, festival, or holiday. Doodle on the Google logo itself is shown that. Now, Dennis have position as international webmasters on google.

He began drawing quirky logos for holidays on google in Bastile Day commemoration, on 14 July 2000 at the request of Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Granola – Improves the Energy Efficiency of PC or Laptop

Posted: 10 May 2010 11:48 PM PDT

Granola makes computers more energy efficient without slowing them down. Granola is safe, easy to use, and allows your computer to operate with the performance of a Ferrari when speed counts but also with the efficiency of a Prius so you don't waste energy. Help save the world with Granola.

Granola automatically optimizes a system to use energy more efficiently without compromising performance or availability. The Granola Power Management Daemon when installed on a server, laptop, or PC, matches the energy consumed by the system to the load on the system automatically.

That is where Granola comes in. Using sophisticated workload modeling and prediction algorithms, Granola can determine when your computer is working and the CPU needs to be "bright" and when your computer is relaxing and the CPU can be "dim" without affecting your work. This allows Granola to automatically change DVFS modes to save energy when you can while still running at full speed when you need it.

granola Granola   Improves the Energy Efficiency of PC or Laptop



  • FREE for personal use
  • Safe for any computer
  • Smaller than a single MP3
  • Save energy
  • Maintain performance
  • Install easily and forget it

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