Saturday, November 27, 2010

Situs Informasi Internet

Situs Informasi Internet

Free Online Radio – YIC Radio

Posted: 26 Nov 2010 09:05 PM PST

Online Radio Free Online Radio   YIC RadioYIC Radio is a new service feature and you can enjoy from this site. YIC Radio is an Internet Radio Streaming services that can be heard wherever you are as long as you connect to the internet.

With the streaming MP3 format and bitrate that only 40 kbit/s (5kB/s) will be very light to be accessed even if you use a dial-up though. But of course with good sound quality and comfortable to be heard.

YIC Radio not only play music and songs, but also has some events that brought each announcer. It would be a lot of interesting information that can be found there, such as news and information about the World Technology, Sports, Science and others. And there is also a special session for personality problems that are packed in Session “Love and Personal”. For a list of Dj and Schedule can visit the site

To hear this radio broadcast LIVE you can use the Flash Player on the right sidebar of this site or directly to the site – You can also Request Songs and sends greetings.

Songs played on YIC Radio from Local to Worldwide and it will always be updated. So while browsing and roaming cyberspace we can be accompanied songs and interesting information from this Streaming Radio Service.

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